Significant meeting between Dr. Mustafa Faisal and Dr. Yasin Aktay
Artboard 2 (13)
Artboard 2 (13)
July 20, 2023
In a significant meeting, Dr. Mostafa Faisal, the General Secretary of the International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations (IIFSO) held talks with Dr. Yasin Aktay, the former spokesperson and ex-Vice President, as well as the head of foreign affairs of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Turkey.
During the meeting, both leaders discussed various matters of mutual interest, including the promotion of educational opportunities for Muslim students globally and fostering cultural exchange among Islamic communities. They also explored ways to enhance cooperation and solidarity among student organizations across different nations.

The General Secretary expressed appreciation for Dr. Yasin Aktay’s extensive experience and insights in Muslim affairs, emphasizing the importance of open communication and collaboration among Islamic nations to address shared challenges.

Dr. Yasin Aktay, on his part, lauded IIFSO’s efforts in championing educational advancement for young Muslims and reaffirmed Turkey’s commitment to supporting such initiatives.

The meeting concluded with an agreement to work closely in the future, aiming to strengthen ties between IIFSO and Turkey, and to create more opportunities for students within the Islamic community worldwide.

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