IIFSO Leadership Makes Notable Visit to Former Moroccan Prime Minister Saadeddine Othmani
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August 6, 2023


The leadership of the International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations (IIFSO) made a momentous visit to Saadeddine Othmani, the former Prime Minister (2017-2021) of Morocco and former Head of the Justice & Development Party (PJD).

The delegation of the federation included the Secretary-General, Dr. Mustafa Faisal Parvez, the Assistant Secretary-General, Dr. Abdullah Ahmed, and Mohamed Yahya, President of the Mauritanian Student Union and a member of the IIFSO Shura Council.

During the visit, representatives from IIFSO engaged in substantive discussions with Saadeddine Othmani, a distinguished figure who previously held the prominent position of Prime Minister in Morocco. Othmani also served as the leader of the Justice & Development Party, playing a pivotal role in shaping the political landscape of the country during his tenure.

The visit aimed to foster a productive dialogue and exchange ideas on various matters of mutual interest, particularly concerning youth engagement, education, and the role of Islamic student organizations in promoting positive change within society. The meeting highlighted the shared commitment to empowering young individuals and creating a harmonious and inclusive environment for all.

Saadeddine Othmani, with his extensive experience in politics and leadership, welcomed the IIFSO delegation and expressed his appreciation for their efforts in contributing to the betterment of society through education and youth-focused initiatives.

The visit of the IIFSO leadership to Saadeddine Othmani underscores the organization’s commitment to building connections with prominent figures and engaging in constructive discussions that contribute to the advancement of youth empowerment and social development.

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