An expanded meeting was held between the IIFSO and the Union of NGO’s of the Islamic World (UNIW)
Artboard 2 (3)
Artboard 2 (3)
June 24, 2023
A team led by the Secretary General of International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations (IIFSO), Dr. Mostafa Faisal Parvez along with Assistant Secretary General of IIFSO Dr. Abdullah Ahmed, Executive Board Member of IIFSO, Wahid Bashir, and Hafiz Uzair Ahmad, Students Department IIFSO met with the Secretary General of the Union of NGO’s of the Islamic World (UNIW), Mr. Eyüp Akbal and Assistant Secretary General of UNIW, Mr. Ahmed Buga. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss potential collaborations in the fields of education and youth projects.
Both organizations expressed their shared commitment to promoting education and empowering youth within the Islamic world. Recognizing the significance of working together, they explored various avenues for cooperation to maximize their collective impact.
During the meeting, Mr. Akbal emphasized on the need for comprehensive programs that enhance educational opportunities for Muslim youth and promote the values of tolerance, inclusivity, and social cohesion.
The IIFSO and UNIW expressed their enthusiasm for joint initiatives, such as exchange programs, capacity-building workshops, and collaborative research projects. By leveraging their respective resources, expertise, and networks, the organizations aim to create meaningful and sustainable change in the lives of young people across the Islamic world.
This meeting marked the beginning of a promising partnership between IIFSO and UNIW, signaling shared vision and commitment to empowering youth and fostering educational opportunities within the Islamic community. Both sides together poised to make a lasting impact on the lives of young Muslim people, enabling them to become active contributors to their societies.

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