IIFSO Arranges International Conference on Human Rights Day in Istanbul
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December 10, 2023

The International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations (IIFSO) hosted a significant International Conference in Istanbul to commemorate World Human Rights Day, drawing a diverse assembly of representatives from esteemed student and youth organizations worldwide. Esteemed groups including TUGVA, UDEF, GENÇ İHH, MGD, TUSKAN, USDAV, YENİDEN REFAH PARTİSİ, HİKMET DERNEĞİ, DOĞU TURKİSTAN YOUTH, BEKDER, PAKSTURK, BANGSAMORO ÖĞRENCİ BİRLİĞİ, ANNAHDA TUNISIA, KAMMI INDONESIA, TAJIKISTAN BİRLİĞİ, BAB E ALAM, and PPI were in attendance.

Collaborative Dialogue for Human Rights

The conference served as a vibrant platform for collaborative dialogue, emphasizing the critical importance of upholding human rights universally, particularly through the lens of Islamic principles. The discussions aimed at fostering inclusivity, advocating for justice, and tackling the contemporary challenges faced by diverse communities, with a special emphasis on the Muslim community globally.

Bridging Islamic Values with Human Rights

Participants delved into discussions that seamlessly integrated Islamic teachings with modern human rights issues, aiming to craft a framework that both respects human dignity and adheres to Islamic values. The emphasis on solidarity among various communities and the pivotal role of youth in championing a more equitable world were central themes throughout the conference.

Promoting a Rights-Based World

This landmark event marked a significant step toward adopting a collaborative and rights-based approach to addressing global challenges. The wide representation of organizations offered a unique platform for the exchange of insights, strategies, and best practices in human rights advocacy, particularly within an Islamic context.

The International Conference arranged by IIFSO on World Human Rights Day in Istanbul was a pivotal gathering in the global discourse on human rights and Islamic principles. It fostered an environment of cooperation and understanding, setting the stage for future partnerships and initiatives aimed at advancing human dignity and rights across the world, with a particular focus on the Muslim community. This event underscored the essential role of youth and student organizations in this global endeavor, reinforcing the commitment to a more just and rights-respecting world.

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