IIFSO receives a visit from the president of Uluslararası Şenkit Minarası Derneği
مكتب الإفسو يستقبل وفد من جمعية منارة الشنقيط الدولية copy
مكتب الإفسو يستقبل وفد من جمعية منارة الشنقيط الدولية copy
February 29, 2024


The office of the International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations (IIFSO) received a delegation from the Manaratu Al-Shanqeet International Association in the presence of Assistant Secretary-General Dr. Abdullah Ahmed.

The association and its various activities were introduced within the framework of Mauritanian youth work in Turkey, and many Cultural and scientific activities and courses were held for Mauritanian youth in particular and for West African students in general.

In turn, the doctor introduced the federation, and explained the latest updates in IIFSO and the events and activities carried out by the federation in the current period.

In conclusion, The two sides agreed on the importance of cooperation in youth work and leadership training for future youth

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