IIFSO's delegation visits IHH's leadership
Artboard 2 (2)
Artboard 2 (2)
June 22, 2023
A delegation from the International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations (IIFSO), led by Secretary General Dr. Mostafa Faisal, visited the İnsan Hak ve Hürriyetleri İnsani Yardım Vakfı (İHH) today to discuss areas of collaboration, with a particular focus on education and youth engagement.
The meeting, attended by Chairman İHH Mr. Bülent Yıldırım, Vice Chairman Yavuz Dede, Dr. Mehmet Ali (Executive member), İHH youth president Cihat Çelik, UDEF representative Emin Sandık, Dr Abdullah Ahmed, Assistant Secretary General IIFSO, Wahid Bashir, Executive Member IIFSO, Hafiz Uzair Ahmed, Students Department IIFSO, served as a platform to explore opportunities for joint initiatives in key areas of mutual interest. Discussions centered around enhancing educational opportunities, fostering youth empowerment, and promoting social development among Muslim students globally.
The Secretary General of IIFSO expressed their organization’s commitment to strengthening cooperation with İHH in order to advance shared goals and promote the welfare of Muslim students across globe. The İHH leadership welcomed the delegation and emphasized their dedication to fostering meaningful partnerships for the betterment of the Muslim youth community.
Both sides recognized the importance of education and youth engagement in empowering the next generation and acknowledged the potential of collaborative efforts in achieving sustainable impact.
The meeting concluded on a positive note, with the agreement to establish working groups to further explore potential projects and initiatives. The collaboration between IIFSO and İHH aims to create a robust platform for educational and youth-focused endeavors, nurturing future leaders and fostering a stronger global Muslim community.

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