IIFSO and Önder Ankara held an Iftar on Ramadan 14, 1445 – March 24, 2024, at Önder headquarters in the Turkish capital, entitled (Brotherhood and Prayers for Gaza Iftar Program).
“Around 80 participants from 25 countries (Pakistan, India, Bangladeş, Kashmir, Afganistan, Myanmar, China (Uyghur), Indonesia, Philippines, Bangsamoro, Thailand, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Filistin, Libya, Irak, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Morocco, North Mecadonia, Gambia, Sudan and Türkiye)” Said Dr. Mustafa Parvez, Secretary-General of IFSO.
“Around 12 Turkish organisations Also participated (Asma Kopru, Insam Ve Mediniyet, Ümmeti vakfi, Hikmet Evi, Önder, yedi Helal, Diane vakfi, Cansuyu AGD ve sağlikdir) Added Secretary-General of IFSO.
The organizers concluded the iftar program by praying for the people of Gaza, stressing the importance of the Palestinian issue, and denouncing international inaction towards the crimes of the occupation in Gaza.