Re-election of Mustafa Alawi as President of Student Renewal Organization in Morocco for 2023-2025
August 6, 2023

During the proceedings of the 10th National Conference of the Student Renewal Organization in Morocco, Mustafa Alawi was re-elected to continue as the President of the organization for the period from 2023 to 2025.

The electoral process was marked by vitality and competitiveness, conducted in multiple stages, with the participation of more than 200 members, Almost half of them are women, representing all branches of the student organization across Morocco.

It is worth noting that Mustafa Alawi currently holds the position of a member of the Executive Council of the International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations (IIFSO) and is responsible for the Arab region within it.

These dynamic and internal elections reflect the vigor within the Islamic student and youth organizations in Morocco, contributing to the advancement of Islamic student work and fostering values of tolerance and cooperation among students worldwide.

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