Dr Imaduddin Abdul Raheem (Bang Imad) 

Dr Muhammad Imaduddin Abdul Raheem or Bang Imad (21 April 1931 – 2 August 2008) was one of the initiators of ICMI, the initiator of Bank Muamalat Indonesia, founder of the Salman Mosque ITB and elder of the Electrical Engineering Department of the Bandung Institute of Technology. Bang Imad was born in a small town in Tanjungpura, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, which is known for its strong Islamic and religious traditions. He was born as the 5th child of 13 siblings.

His name is popular through his tauhid lectures at the ITB Campus. Salman's party took the initiative to record and record Bang Imad's Subuh Lectures in Ramadan 1397H/1977 at the Salman Mosque ITB. The contents of this Subuh Lecture are about the Science of Monotheism, Definition of God, Belief in God and monotheism in God, Monotheism and Freedom, Monotheism and Sincerity, Monotheism and its Consequences. He is influencial leader of HMI Indonesia. He was Secretary General of IIFSO in 1977-1980.  He earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Valuation from Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, United States of America. He is the recipient of the Bintang Mahaputera Utama from President B.J. Habibie on August 13, 2000 as an expert and professor in his field.

Bang Imad passed away on August 2 2008, at 09.15 WIB and was buried the next day at TMP Kalibata, led by State Secretary Hatta Rajasa.