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The International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations (IIFSO) is an international student and youth federation with a membership rate of about 100 student and youth organizations in more than 60 countries. IIFSO started as a student initiative in Ibadan university in Nigeria in 1966, and was formally established in Aachen, Germany in 1969.

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To realize an open global Muslim youth platform that develops, empowers, and serves youth and students worldwide in achieving their full potential, the development of their communities, nations and regions by drawing on Islamic values of unity and excellence.

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  • Empower well-rounded youth to reach their full potential by delivering leadership, education and capacity building programs
  • Represent youth of the Muslim world at the level of international policy, while guiding regional strategies in the interest of Muslim states and populations.
  • Contribute to and support the development, impact and integration of IIFSO member organisations
  • Promote the understanding and practice of Islamic values, and their effective use in youths’ personal and professional lives
  • Inclusively represent Muslim youth and students worldwide through cooperation and coordination with all stakeholders sharing common interests and values in the international scene.
  • Campaign for the advancement of youth and students, enhancement of their condition, and the resolution of challenges they face.
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Our Goals

  • Promote youth solidarity and cooperation for the achievement of the youth agendas (Mandate A&F)
  • Enhance global youth policy, student group capacities and institutions (Mandate A&E)
  • Enhance global youth policy, student group capacities and institutions (Mandate A&E)
  • Develop youth capacity and access to entrepreneurship and social enterprise (A&C)
  • Empower girls and young women as capable actors in societal and national development (Mandate A&B)
  • Establish youth capacity-building measures for leadership, strategic decision-making, and grassroots action (Mandate A&E)
  • Enhance youth innovation in science and technology (Mandate A&D)
  • Combat the specter of radicalism and extremism (Mandate D)
  • Enhance youth roles in sustainable development (Mandate A&C)
  • Promote eco-friendly youth initiatives for sustainable development (Mandate A)
About Essential

Pillars of Islam

  • Shahadah
  • Salah
  • Sawm
  • Zakat
  • Hajj