Assistant Secretary-General of IIFSO visit to “AEEMS” in Senegal

The delegates from Senegal’s member organization within IIFSO, the “Association des Élèves et Étudiants Musulmans du Sénégal (AEEMS)” met today with Dr. Abdullah, the Assistant Secretary General of IIFSO.

In this gathering, both IIFSO and AEEMS pledged to jointly implement programs for the advancement of the Muslim Ummah. IIFSO committed to providing guidance and support in all aspects to foster the growth and prosperity of AEEMS.

This strategic partnership marks a significant step towards fostering unity and development within the Muslim community. IIFSO and AEEMS look forward to the positive impact their joint initiatives will have on the broader goals of advancing education, empowerment, and solidarity among Muslim students and scholars

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