Distinguished Brothers, Members of IIFSO General Assembly
“A believer to a believer is like a physical structure, with a part supporting the other”
“…Believers are like a single organic body such that when an organ of it is diseased all other parts jointly keep awake in pain.”
With all distress and disturbed minds, we follow the genocides and the violation of human rights of both the Lebanese and Palestinian nations, in the midst of international silence and the debasing international official nonchalant disposition towards the issue.
While we in International Islamic Federation of Student Organisations, IIFSO, decry, detest and condemn this criminal transgression on Lebanese and Palestinian lands as well as on the civilians who have nothing to do with the ongoing fighting , with demolition of houses and eviction, we do not intend being just satisfied with this mere condemnation. We unequivocally call on all our member-organisations as well as all youth, student and international organisations to play positive active roles in support of just causes, relief of the distressed and assistance of the oppressed: our usual stands with respect to all, without any colour, racial or religious discrimination.
Your Brother,
Abobakr AbdelFatah