Since more than one year the student movement in Egypt is struggling to fight for their fundamental rights as living in dignity, freedom of speech and democracy by peaceful means inside and outside the student campuses. Whereby they face the use of disproportional use of power, oppression and imprisonment by police and private security forces which lead to 209 killed students of which 21 died on student campuses itself the last being Omar Sharief, who died just some days ago. Additionally more than 2000 male and female students have been arrested and more than the double expelled, while more than 500 have been forced to leave the country fearing for their lives all of them not being able to finish their studies because of their opposition to the current regime. This proves the inhumane use of disproportionate power by the Egyptian regime and violation of basic human rights.
We, the signing student unions and organisation, declare our solidarity with the Egyptian students against these fierce atrocities highlighting the following:
Therefore we use this opportunity to inform the international community about the start of an international solidarity campaign and invite all student unions and organisations worldwide to join us in our support for the students in Egypt and their peaceful struggle for their rights on freedom, democracy and education.